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Technical Training Consultants
801 Warrenville Rd Suite 222
Lisle, IL 60532



Technical Training Consultants, Inc.

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 Locomotive Engine
  Dynamic Brake
  Dash 2 Electrical
  50 Series Electrical
  60 Series Electrical
  Composite (Mechanical & Electrical)
  70/75 Series Electrical
  Switcher Locomotives
  Short Line Locomotives
  Drill Rig Engine
  Marine Engine
  Basic electronics for marine
  Stationary Engine

You'll Receive the Finest EMD Training

TTC's knowledgeable instructors emphasize troubleshooting. Mechanics are taught how to troubleshoot low horsepower, smoking engines, oil consumption, fuel injection, and individual component failures; and, of course, how to "prevent failures." Electricians learn how to troubleshoot NO LOAD, OVER LOAD, ERRATIC LOAD, UNDERLOAD, and to differentiate between an engine problem, governor problem, and electrical problem.

TTC can save your company money by decreasing your downtime and eliminating unnecessary component replacement. Since 1988, TTC has trained over 6,000 students nationally.


Have you been forced to schedule classes for your employees at inopportune times? Call us, and we will try to arrange a special class for your employees (minimum 12).


If you provide us with a classroom and at least 12 students, then TTC will bring the training to you! Please call us soon for details, as our travel schedule fills quickly!


Need a special course not listed in our curriculum? Our instructors can probably meet your needs! In fact, TTC offers several other courses not listed here, so call us and tell us what you need!


2014 EMD Engine Courses in Memphis 

June 10 - 13  October 21 - 24

2014 Short Line Electrical Course at TTC in Lisle

April  8 - 10

GP 38 Static - Dash 2 - SW 1200/GP9  Control

click here to see our award winning children's books (now available as ebooks)

